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Vier Augen

Blog about art, illustration and the meaning of it all

December Sketchbook: The only way out is in

I realise I'm always a few weeks behind with the sketchbook posts but honestly it is just TOO embarassing to post these 'live' because then the people in my life these cryptic notes and drawings are about would just immediately know everything. So I have to delay it a bit to preserve some last shred of dignity in this digital hellscape. Even though I firmly believe that as an artist basically my job is to 1) live, 2) document how I feel about that and 3) publish the result.
Lately I've been trying out different alternative social media sites but to be honest I just wanna go back to what blogging used to be in the 2010s. Maybe my website has to be that place again but a website is like a house people can go to and I want a CAFE where we can all meet up at.